Wednesday 30 December 2009

thoughts on 2010

i'm starting again. again
another new year
another whole decade
to turn full circle

Tuesday 22 December 2009


I lift the knocker and drop it on next door. Mine is left open. It's about a minute before Verna answers. "Hi. I just brought my washing round."
She pushes up her mouth like she's giving a reluctant kiss and says nothing when I'd seen her most of this week and that's all that she's said; You going to bring it? Day 1.
Don't go to the laundry girl. I'm just next door, Day 2.
Bring it nuh!! Day 3.
And here she is on Day 4 pushing up her mouth like she doesn't want me to bring it.

Thursday 17 December 2009

My friend

My good friend would bound into a room, fragrance first. Eyes would immediately be drawn to the low cut and expansive rise of high bust. A skirt would touch just above her knees, bare legs always, smooth skin with either long boots or boys-come-get-me heels. Her hair was dyed brown a while ago now. Sometimes she needed to pick out white fluff before she left the house from locks that had been the same length for about a year.