Wednesday 28 July 2010

People do it all the time- Observations of Ghana

I spy with my Little Eye
Am sat in an Internet cafe in Koforidua, Ghana and all I can do is thank my lucky stars. This is the second African country I have visited, and- for the second time- I feel right at home. I walked about fifteen minutes from the where I'm staying to get here. Sand and dust fill my sandals and my fellow travellers Akuoswa, Eve and I have had to step over a few open sewages, but for me, I just love it and I know they do too. Right now they are on the Internet doing their thing and I am sat here beside an open door to my right. A large fan on the ceiling above me spins the aroma of 5pm and heat, but the open door lets in a breeze that sends shivers down my spine.  Just outside a bike is propped up against a black and red column. I can only see the front wheel and the front of a well worn silver frame with a black wire basket sitting near the front handlebars. Old cars are honking through the road. Golfs, Nissans; old models that back in England would be considered outdated. They whizz or crawl past this spot tooting every couple of seconds to warn pedestrians, and bikers who, in my mind, are just brave. They toot to warns the animals- dogs and goats  who all seem to understand the nuances of this busy road. It's alive. Not quite heaving, but vibrant.