Thursday 29 December 2011

I don't do Christmas

What exactly does it mean when you don't do Christmas? That's what the man at the check out at Tescos asked me when i gave him that tert reply after doing just a regular shop on Christmas Eve."It means I don't buy into the hype." I said. "Ohh,"  He looked at me the same way I imagine married people look at single people at weddings.
As I walked up the hill towards home, pleased with my shop thank you,  I tried to remember exactly why I usually back out of  Christmas. The most obvious thing I could think of was all the hype which I find so annoyig. "Spend, spend, spend before your cash runs out." "Spend, spend, spend- even when your cash runs out and get into nice fat debt, debt, debt." And the fact that they don't even mention Jesus anymore. But hark a counter thought: 1) Who are they? and 2) Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25th anyway. We know this.