Tuesday 19 May 2009

It's all write again

It's so dreary having a dream and not daring to follow. Life becomes so dull. It's like having your essence removed. How can a star not shine I ask you? It just gets looong.

This blog is me reconstituting myself as a writer so I HEREBY PLEDGE....to take myself on. This is me embracing my writer child, my inner writer- call it what you will.
I read somewhere that "The strongest winds blow around the tallest trees". That's me right there. A tall tree.
Another thing is that I have recently become a Buddhist. A Nichiren Daishonin Buddhist to be exact. So that should help those strong winds to come with sunshine, with dew, with a full chior of birds singing in their wake!
I didn't see a burning bush or anything quite so prolific. What happened is I had booked 

myself a Theta Healing session for my big (yes, that one) birthday. On the journey up beyond clouds, space, galaxies I was invited to choose a deity to do the rest of the journey with me. I saw Jesus up there and a Buddha. I decided to join hands with the Buddha and make my way forward towards my goals and aspirations.
But herein comes religious conflict; I don't want it to look like I turned my back on Jesus. I didn't. I did acknowledge him when I was there. But he was blonde-haired and blue-eyed and part of a not so great childhood. And I know that's no real excuse, and I know my mum loves him and would be bitterly disappointed with my choices, and I witnessed her prayer marathons that achieved some real results, but I have to do me. It felt right to walk with Buddha.
Weeks later in another spiritual workshop of sorts, after Toks had stamped out the negative karma, she advised me to chant for the next one hundred days for the conditions I want in my life. Sounded like a plan to me. Since I had already been on my little trip with the Buddha it seemed like the most natural thing to do, and after doing a bit of research I loved discovering that the Buddha is not anything outside of myself. It is my own inner greatness. How cool is that? When a person strives for Buddhahood they are striving to be the best that they can be. Its a beautiful thing and I love it!!
Am on about day eighty of the chanting, and I have to say, I have seen some inconspicuous results. Am chanting for the big guns now (of which i will share as they manifest) and amoungst those I am chanting for the creative juices to be spilling, spilling and for my writing projects to come into fruition, of which, I have to say, there are a few:

So you gonna accompany me while I do this blog people? Am gonna do it regardless... ;-)


  1. Like your mum, I too am dissapointed with your choice to follow Budda however, contemparaneously, I am happy for you.

    For me, I donot see Jesus as a blonde, blue eyed person who does not represent me. Just remember to bear in mind that those paintings/images are someone's interpretation thereof. Jesus can look like who ever you want Him to look like. I have even seen pictures of a black Jesus and the black Maddona.Again someone's interpretaion, and for me it was beautiful, I couldn't afford the price the seller wanted but I bought the black Maddona. So please let us not get bogged down with looks, that only demeans Him and His purpose.

    For me, I testify that Jesus is the Son of the living God. For me, I believe He came down to this earth to offer Himself as the sacraficial Lamb. The only person in Heaven and on earth qualified to do this great and marvelous work: to come to earh and as an innocent man, be whipped, scurged, humiliated, spat upon, briused, battered and crusified unto a death so painful that man has never suffered that level of pain, before, during and 2000 years to date, after His death. In a nut shell- to die for me, my family and friends to make it possible to return back to my Heavenly Father who made me, my family, and my friends. I do not care what colour He is, I am eternally greatful to Him, for laying down His life for me.

    Now, this is where my disappointment comes in. You were previledged to have the opportunity to know these truths, you had a foot on the ladder to eternal greatness, not just in this mortal life, but the place where it is more important, that is your after-life proggression.

    For those that were born outside Christiandom, they too will have these truths testified to them, that Jesus is the Christ, the unfortunate thing is that it should take some one like your self who has had this knowledge to spread it to them, and not for them to convince you otherwise or to be taken in and seduced into their believes. For I testify that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the Christ, the only beggotton of our Father which is in Heaven. That day shall surely come to pass. Please remember I did warn you, as a faithful servant I am obliged to warn my neighbours. A time will come when I will be held accountable and be asked: did you warn your dearest friend Martha? I pray I can reply YES. And that you can also reply in the affirmative.

    Having said all this, we all progress at different stages. We also digress at different stages, and everyone moves up and down that ladder. I am happy if you have found happiness. Because when push comes to shove, if this life affords us some joy that doesnot mean causing others grieve and harm, then good luck and all the best.
    I like your stream of conscience style. The only advise: post some of your already published works, editing, to make them tight and sharp and not too long winded and boring like some people!!!.Tre bien.

  2. Hi Charlotte. I do get that you have the right to your opinion which you put across well. I was anticipating some displeasure at my choice. What i really wanted was for comments on the actual writing itself. Did you stay engaged? What was weak, what was strong about the writing? Are there any tips you might give me to improve my skills as a writer. -You did put a couple of lines as a PS- It's that kind of feedback I want as your main point! Thanks for reading it tho and taking the time out Mx

  3. Theta Healing can empower people to move forward in life more positively. It is important to remember though that conscious chatter needs to be checked and where necessary re-framed, as a person will of course get into habits of negative thinking over time which need to be rectified.
    Theta Healing
